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Can You Protect Yourself from Coranavirus?


Updated: Jul 6, 2022

While there is a lot of scary information circulating about this virus, there are some simple steps you can take to reduce your likelihood of infection. Most importantly, DON'T PANIC!

Though the media seems to be focusing on the worst-case scenarios, MOST people make a full recovery. NBC News reports Dr. Nasia Safdar as saying "For most people, this will be the course. It will be like a cold."

“There’s a large epidemic of coronavirus anxiety,” said Dr. William Schaffner. "I think [people] ought to take a deep breath and spend a little more time planning what to do if the coronavirus really came into their community and they had to undergo what we call social distancing, which is separating themselves from other people. If you do this now when you’re more calm, it works much better when you really have to apply it rather than planning in a more anxious moment later on.” (ABC News report)


1. Elderberry

2. Vitamin D3/K2

3. Probiotics

4. Colloidal Silver


1. Wash your hands often, for at least 20 seconds

2. Cover your cough

3. Wipe down surfaces

4. Forest Bathing

INTERNAL Immune Boosting

1. Elderberry

A quick Google search of Elderberry Antiviral will bring up a bunch of results! There is plenty of research on it to show its anti-viral effects. "What our study has shown is that the common elderberry has a potent direct antiviral effect against the flu virus," said Dr Golnoosh Torabian. "It inhibits the early stages of an infection by blocking key viral proteins responsible for both the viral attachment and entry into the host cells."

This report also showed that elderberry was effective at different stages of the ailment, so go ahead and take it even if you are already experiencing symptoms. We have an awesome new multivitamin that's organic, food-based and has elderberry in it. MULTI - $46.96

2. Vitamin D3+K2

Huge for boosting immunity! There is also a ridiculous amount of supporting information on the benefits of Vitamin D for immunity and more. Vitamin K2 works synergistically with D3, so the benefits and effectiveness of both are increased when taken together. Ours is $39 for a bottle that will last you quite a while.

3. Probiotics

Probiotics are also one of the basics for boosting immunity, along with numerous other health benefits. Aome probiotics have been shown to promote the production of natural antibodies in the body. They may also boost immune cells like the IgA-producing cells, T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. We have different ones ranging in price from $40-70.

4. Colloidal Silver Silver nanoparticles have been widely studied as an antimicrobial agent. Recent studies have revealed that silver nanoparticles are very effective for inactivating various types of bacteria and viruses.


1. Wash your hands often

It takes 20 seconds of washing with soap to kill germs. You don't need to have the water running the entire time, but you do need to be lathering with soap. Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth if you have not washed your hands first. 2. Cover your cough

Cough or sneeze into your elbow if possible, or a tissue. Throw away the tissue and wash your hands thoroughly. If you've been exposed or think there's a possibility you are contagious, wear a mask to prevent giving it to others. 3. Wipe Down Surfaces

Many Essential Oils have very effective anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Thieves by Young Living is a good one, as is OnGuard by doTerra. Sol-U-Guard by Melaleuca use thyme oil for this purpose. Cinnamon oil, tea tree oil, and rosemary are all good single oils. You can even make your own blend if you have a variety of oils. Any of these can be diffused. Or put several drops in a spray bottle with water, Shake, Shake, Shake! and use to wipe down areas that get touched often, like door knobs, handles, countertops, etc. (For best results, allow the damp solution to sit on the surface at least 1 minute to sanitize, and 10 minutes to disinfect.) 4. Forest Bathing

First of all, what the heck is forest bathing? Essentially, it is going for a long walk or creating a tranquil space to sit in a forest, park, or natural area. It is a decades old Japanese practice that has shown numerous health benefits.

One study suggests that exposure to forest environments might enhance the immune response of Natural Killer (NK) cells and activating NK cells in humans. Natural killer cells are a subset of lymphocytes with a distinct morphology and the ability to directly kill certain target cells via one or more mechanisms. They are important in the human endocrine and immune systems to induce tumor or virus-infected targeted cell death. Studies show that one day spent in the woods can increase blood levels of natural killer cells for at least seven days! There are a number of theories as to why forest bathing is so good for you. Just being in nature, taking time to relax is an obvious de-stressor. But, there is also evidence that some of the chemicals (primarily volatile organic compounds) released by trees are good for us. Of course, different types of trees emit different mixtures of chemicals – so the type of forest and the time of year (more VOCs are emitted in warm weather than cold) can influence the chemical mix you are inhaling (and absorbing through your skin). A coniferous forest on a warm summer day seems to produce the best possible chemical mix. You may have a some difficulty finding a coniferous forest in Iowa, but don't let that deter you--a lot of the exact details are still being studied. So go ahead and go for a hike on one of these nice Spring days! 4.

Hopefully some of these suggestions will help you avoid getting the flu! If you would like to order any of the mentioned products, email or give me a call at 641-954-9097.

If you would like to read some more in-depth tips, you might be interested in this article by my colleague, Dr. Keesha Ewers:

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